November 28

All About Corpses

Ever have one of those moments of serendipity when the world seems to be encouraging you, or supporting you? Like when you’re looking for one thing at the store, but you get distracted and your gaze falls on a big pile of exactly what you were looking for in the clearance bin?

After being a bit (ha, a “bit” yeah, let’s call it that) disillusioned with where Corpse Blood has been going lately (come on, 52% request rate in the first 15 queries, then suddenly agents can’t even be bothered to respond at all?) I was determined to spend the day polishing up my query, synopsis and starting in on re-evaluation the manuscript itself.

I have a new query and synopsis and was going over the first three chapters for a new round of subs when I realized two things. One, I still believe in this novel, and further more I believe the writing (while it could use some tweaking) is solid. Two, the Cities of the Underworld marathon I’d been watching had turned into Modern Marvels. And the subject? Corpse Technology.

That’s right, I paused in editing to realize that there was a one hour show on morgues, mortuaries, what happens biologically after we die, etc on. Serendipitous.

In other, probably more entertaining, news Mary Robinette Kowal has an AMC article up on Orphaned Heroes (why we love killing off the parents)  and agent Colleen Lindsay has a thing or two to say to writers who call up agents at inappropriate times.

Let both of those be a lesson to you.

Only two more chapters to go…

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Posted November 28, 2008 by Michele Lee in category "Business