June 4

Tales from the Crypt #3: Zombilicious

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Tales from the Crypt #3: Zombilicious by Mort Todd, Marc Bilgrey, Jared Gniewek, Jim Salicrup, Allison Acton, Rick Parker, and illustrated by Steve Mannion and Exes
Papercutz, 2008
ISBN: 9781597070911
Available: New

For horror fans this is just the sweetest little book–a digest-sized hard back collection of four (new) Tales from the Crypt comic stories, a complete throwback to horror’s roots modernized with slick art and shiny packaging. This volume features four tales; “Extra Life” by Neil Klied and Chris Noeth, “Queen of the Vampires” by Marc Bilgrey and Mr. Exes, “Graveyard Shift at the Twilight Gardens” by Rob Vollmar and Tom Smith 3 and “Kid Tested, Mother Approved” by Jared Gneiwek and James Romberger.

Oddly enough, in spite of the title, none of these tales feature a zombie (though there is a vampire). If you loved the old cheesy Tales from the Crypt comics and HBO show this book is right up your alley. Its literary merit is debatable, making its place in collections lean more toward those that include comprehensive or pop-culture titles than high brow, classic-worthy tales. But if horror is your passion, this book is eye-catching, familiar, and utterly groan-worthy.

Reviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

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Posted June 4, 2009 by Michele Lee in category "Humor", "monsterlibrarian