February 9

Silver Veins

My SF short story, Silver Veins, featuring my first attempts at writing an autistic main character, is now live over at Expanded Horizons. Teaser below, but you really should click through for the whole thing since it’s free to read…

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Years, Trista thought. She stared out, through the foot-by-foot square window in her wall, and wanted to scream. She wanted to pluck the lamp from the table beside her and bash in the window, the only window in her quarters. She wanted to punish it until either her emotions bled out in sticky red on the walls, or the window gave way and the stars bled into her chambers.

She’d spent years on starships or space stations or off planet condos. For years, the same small square of technology and blankness had held her hostage. Her quarters were shaped to fit the people who lived in rooms like these. It was nothing, empty in its natural state, and there was not much more than that around her.

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Posted February 9, 2010 by Michele Lee in category "Business", "My Work