March 18

Day Twenty Seven

What an absolute utter shit of a day. Almost everyone was in a horrible mood, from about 96% of the customers to all the managers (one of whom was working on no sleep at all, opening after her first full shift at another job). My first phone call of the day (we do still answer when it’s slow because our liquidator and managers call to check in, plus today was “next week’s schedule is up” day so of course all the 10-15 hr a week employees called in to check their schedule ask us to go up to the closed floor during rush to check their schedule.) was a woman wanting six copies of an old (like 2003) business book, which of course meant we didn’t have it before, much less now. Then she kept me on the phone to walk her through ordering them at Is it really that hard?? But see, that’s a perfect example of what I’m saying when I say ebooks will not kill print because people like that depend so badly on people to do these things for them.

Two people no called-no showed today, and it was the last chance for one of them. So now we’re down at least one more person. A manager and a ex-IPT new bookseller type got into an argument at the register. People want to know when the prices are going to go down again even though they just went down last night.  I got stopped twice in the time it took me to walk from the front door to the elevator by people wanting me to find books for them. I was on break with no name tag or anything on. But they can tell, can’t they?

A number of other people are being cornered by customers trying to force us to do things for them while we’re not on the clock. We even had another store call us earlier this week to look up a book, and when I said we no longer had any sort of inventory system and nothing was in order they said “Oh that’s okay, I’m logged in right now and I can see that you have it.” Really? You want to come look at our shelves and find it yourself then?

I heard people muttering about how rude we were because they had to *gasp* wait in a line despite there being four cashiers ringing for all their might. Our office furniture is disappearing and Wednesday all the glass locking cases were moved out. My manager had to hang up on someone because they were yelling at her about not being able to find a book. Of course there was the jerk who said “this is why Borders is closing” when we couldn’t find a book for him. People are coming in looking for new releases too.

And here’s another big trend that’s continuing to a sickening level, people bringing up armfuls of product up and asking us to ring it all and they’ll decide what they want then. Sometimes even when the line out of the queue and into the mystery section. Top it all off with price cuts that aren’t ringing up right, customers who are sure we’re just trying to cheat them or trick them and corporate sending us all thinly veiled threats about stealing (there are THREE letters on cork boards in the break room today. Wednesday there was one.) Every single one of us got snapped at by nasty customers at least once today, and in turn it’s hard when you’re under that kind of pressure not to just snap at everyone else around you.

Sadly, I also have to mention that Borders announced the closure of 28 more stores, including another one here in Louisville. I’m so sorry that anyone else has to go through this utter nightmare. I’m also sorry that all the big stores in town are closing and the only one left open is one that many customers have complained to me has rude employees and poor selection. (But an upper level manager from this store once told me personally that if no one complained to them about me pushing BR+ too hard then I wasn’t pushing hard enough. Just so all you customers out there know where you stand with Borders’ new ideal management.)

I want to pass on a few tips and whatnot to those in newly closing stores from someone a little further into the front lines.

  1. Lotion, male or female, use it. Also nail polish/strengthener ladies. You’ll need it.
  2. Hydrate, and make sure to eat. We’re talking seriously crazy busy here, so be ready.
  3. Keep pain killer with you too, because standing for 6-9 hrs on those stupid bumpy mats is actually much harder on you than walking the store and even unloading/shelving books. Not to mention the kind of aches that condensing hundreds of pounds of books in one day, or packing them in pallets and shipping them off, brings.
  4. Use old gift cards to peel BINCs instead of your nails. Otherwise you will bleed.
  5. Stop caring. About hooking the customers up with great books, about trying to do your best job, about how the store looks or what order the books are in. ESPECIALLY if you are/have OCD tendencies.
  6. Keep up with the store while you can, but it’s okay to switch from alphaing to just getting shit in the right general area. It will all change positions nearly weekly once you get to the 3-5 week stage, so it doesn’t matter.
  7. Your GM will be getting dicked around by the liquidators and Borders as much as you will be getting manipulated by them.
  8. Either get out early or stick through the end, because once you get where we are right now there is no time at all to job hunt because you’re too busy pulling up hours from the others who have left.
  9. If you haven’t already at least temporarily sign up for Border Rewards Members mails, because Borders will send those mails out many times before anyone tells you anything. (that’s the only way I’ve know about any of the price drops).
  10. You should know that people will NOT read the signs (we got someone seriously asking to apply today). But often they will lean over to read your name tag. If your GM is game, or not paying attention, write answers there.


And a few answers:

When are you closing?

8 pm tonight. We’ll reopen at 9 am tomorrow (change to suit your hours).

When’s the last day

We won’t know until they put up the “10 Days left” sign. (Because you won’t.)

When will the prices go down?

When people stop buying at these prices.

Do you have a bathroom?

It’s sold already. (One of my favorites.)

Can you take coupons?


But it doesn’t say that.

Yes it does, on the page where you print the coupons AND on the last line of every coupon. (It really does.)

Are you really, really closing?

Nope, we’re just all going on vacation together and taking the books for something to do.

Where am I supposed to spend my lunch/come hang out/etc now?

I don’t know. Where am I supposed to get money to pay my bills now?

But aren’t they transferring you?


Oh. So what are you going to do now?

We’re thinking of a starting a pirate ship and roaming the seven seas.

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

Posted March 18, 2011 by Michele Lee in category "Business


  1. By Rob Smith on

    Retail jobs are hardly pleasant but this has to be a nightmare. I live by the Borders closing on Gems Lane. I avoided going into it this whole time and I usually stopped in at least 3 times a week. Bought several books, got my New York Times and enjoyed my White Chocolate Mocha from Seattles Best. I didn’t want to to see boorish vultures picking at the bones. But I couldn’t help myself last night and went in hoping to pick up some non-fiction books for research on the cheap. Bad move. Whiny customers with plenty of business opinions. And my regular booksellers look harried and frazzled. I feel your pain Michelle.

    1. By Michele Lee (Post author) on

      I miss the while chocolate mocas and the java-nillas. None of the stores with cafes in them are surviving this round of cuts.

  2. By quichepup on

    THIS. Oh absolutely.

    Oh. So what are you going to do now?

    We’re thinking of a starting a pirate ship and roaming the seven seas.

    *snicker* Mind if I use this one?

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