June 29

Dark Futures, not so dark futures and stupidity

1. Dark Futures featuring my story “Meat World” (sample here) is now available on Kindle. And it’s chock full of awesome stories by awesome people (OMG have you seen the TOC?? I’m in a book with Gene O’Neil, Jennifer Pelland, oh just go look!!) and only $4.99.

2. Plagiarism is being exposed more often it seems, from book bloggers stealing reviews to try to build content (and get free promo copies) to people looking to cash in on self publishing (from Amazon to Scribd) uploading other people’s stories for a quick buck. This is the latest case, which includes a number of romance writers, including Nora Roberts herself. This “author” has also published books of “cover art” that are nothing more than collections of art stolen from websites (including Deviant Art and Disney). I’m not sure they she knows what she’s doing is wrong. I think she’s primarily just looking for a little attention. But this is very very wrong and a horrible way to start a writing career.

3. Unless something falls through unexpectedly I’ve found a job. It’s not Borders. But then it’s not Borders either.

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

Posted June 29, 2011 by Michele Lee in category "Business", "My Work