April 10

Interview – Rachel Hawkins

Interviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

Rachel Hawkins is the author of the young adult paranormal title Hex Hall from Hyperion.    Rachel talks to Michele Lee about the release of her new book.

ML: Can you start out by telling us a little about Hex Hall?

RH: Hex Hall is the story of Sophie Mercer, a 16 year old witch who gets sent to Hecate Hall, a reform school for all sorts of magical creatures. Shenanigans, some near-murders, and kissing all ensue.

ML: Hex Hall brushes against the Harry Potter legacy before arcing out on its own, how did you try to stand out from the giant footprints left by Harry and his friends?
RH: Well, one of the ways I describe the book is, “What if you got sent to Hogwarts, only it TOTALLY SUCKED?” 🙂 In my mind, Sophie and all the kids live in a world where the Harry Potter books exist (Sophie even cracks a Hagrid joke), so I think having the character aware of how different their situation is from the Awesome-Sauce that is Hogwarts helps!

ML: What do you think are some of the challenges for writing for a young adult audience?

RH: Teens are the smartest readers ever, so you really have to bring your A Game! They can spot the tiniest plot hole, and they won’t let you get away with anything that feel inauthentic. So making sure my characters sound like real kids is definitely a challenge!

ML: Do you feel that being a teacher helped you write Hex Hall and connect better with a teen audience?

RH: Without a doubt! I taught 12th grade British Lit, so I was trying to take things like Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales and make them more accessible to teens. That really helped me nail my “teen voice.” Also, my kids were always bringing in books that they were reading and letting me borrow them, so I felt like I had a could handle on the kinds of things teens liked to read.

ML: Readers learn early on in Hex Hall that Jenna, vampire extraordinaire and Sophie’s room mate/best friend is a lesbian. Do you feel that this was a bold move, or does it reflect a higher level of acceptance teens have for “alternative lifestyles?”
RH: At the time I was writing it, I didn’t think it was all that bold. Jenna was a lesbian the same way she was a blonde; it was just part of her character make up. But I taught several gay teenagers, and I liked the idea of readers of all sexualities having couples to root for and identify with!  And I definitely think teens can be more accepting. At least I hope so!

ML: You’ve talked a lot on your blog about how much rewriting Hex Hall went through before it was perfected. Can you tell our audience here a little about the evolution of the book?

RH: My process is always a little weird, and it’s ESPECIALLY weird for Hex Hall. I basically wrote a draft and a half on my first run through. I’d written about 150 pages, and there were some elements that weren’t working (No Jenna! Or Archer! QUELLE HORRUER!). So I heavily edited those first 150 pages, then finished the rest of the book from that point on.

ML: Swag Question: What promo item have you always wanted to see your name on? Which one are you the most proud of?

RH: I really think the world needs Hex Hall flip-flops. 🙂 But seriously, I ADORE the Hex Hall t-shirts! They’re so cute and fun!

ML: Which authors are you totally in awe of and why?

RH: Soooo many. Eudora Welty, who just captures the South- with all its flaws- so beautifully. Diana Gabaldon who writes these big, freaking books that just fly by. John Green for so perfectly hitting what it feels like to be a teenager.

ML: Literacy is an ongoing challenge in today’s school. Can you recommend some books (besides Hex Hall) that you feel can help foster a love of reading in children and teens?

RH: Again, so many! A quick list would include anything by Libba Bray (ditto Cassandra Clare) Elizabeth Marie Pope’s THE PERILOUS GARD, Lindsey Leaviit’s PRINCESS FOR HIRE (so fun, you could die!), all of Lois Duncan’s books, every word Roald Dahl ever wrote… oh, we could be here all night!

ML: Finally, can you tell us a little about what’s coming next for Jenna and Sophie and the Hex Hall crew, and what’s next for you?

RH: For Sophie, et al, Book 2 sees them dealing with the fall out from Book 1, AND going on a Crazy Summer Vacation. For me, I’ll be starting Book 3 here pretty soon, as well as a few other Super Seeeekrit Projects.  😉

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April 6

Donny’s Day by Brandon Berntson

Reviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

Damnation Books, 2009
ISBN: 9781615720583
Available: New

Donny’s Day is the surreal, graphic tale of Donny, who has been running from demons ever since the day, as a child, that he stole and read from a book that let them into the world. It’s short, very short, coming in at fifty-five pages of story. More than two-thirds is back story and dream sequences, and there are no attempts to separate reality from delusions. But the imagery is strong, and creepy, straight out of the best “What was that?” horror movie moments. Berntson is a skilled writer. Donny’s Day is just too musing and dreamy, and lacks the forward momentum and engaging plot to be satisfying to most everyday readers. Private collectors who enjoy tales heavy on mood and theme will find enjoyment here, but public collections catering to a larger swath of readers will probably not.

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April 1

Z.E.O.: A Zombie’s Guide to Getting A(Head) in Business by Scott Kenemore

Reviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

Skyhorse Publishing, 2009
ISBN: 9781602396487
Available: New

Z.E.O is a small, off-sized book that’s part humor, part business survival guide and part “for dummies” book. Presentation seems to be as important as content, with sidebars, zombies in the workplace illustrations and chapters that one suspects would make excellent PowerPoint presentations. Nonfiction, yet completely silly, Z.E.O shows a strong correlation between the sort of minds that conquer the business world and zombies- not an entirely kind metaphor, though it has an amusing point.

Because of the over-the-top comical writing and the lack of a story, Z.E.O is really a gift book, particularly for office Secret Santas or zombie fans, or even not-quite gag gifts to college grads, because the kind of person who would adore this book should own it, not borrow it.
Contains: Gory illustrations

March 29

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Reviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

Hyperion, 2010
ISBN: 978-1423121305
Available: New

Sophie knows she’s a witch, but that’s about all she knows. She’s never met her warlock father. Her human mother tries, but can help her very little. When Sophie tries to help a classmate with a love spell, and it goes horribly wrong, she is sent to Hex Hall by the Council that rules the Prodigium, which consists of recognized magical species like fairies, vampires, and shifters. Part boarding school, part juvenile detention center, Hex Hall is filled with soured, entitled magical beings who resent their imprisonment, all of whom seem to hate Sophie from the moment she arrives. When Sophie learns why, and what Hex Hall means to her family, her life is sent into a tailspin.
Hex Hall has a familiar feel that paranormal readers will love. Rachel Hawkins has done an excellent job of world-building, and creates characters just a bit on the other side of dangerous. Although it may have its roots in books like the Harry Potter series, Hex Hall focuses specifically on the fragile teen sense of self-identity. It’s refreshing that Sophie isn’t a “chosen one” with special powers- rather, she’s the magical equivalent of a reckless teen in trouble Why is everyone around her purposefully keeping her in the dark? What makes someone a monster? What counts for more, blood or actions?

The strength of writing and likability of the lead characters combine for a fast-paced, quite digestible tale. Hex Hall is a great choice for library collections that seem unable to keep up with demand for paranormal YA titles, and would be a valuable (and likely popular) addition to public libraries.

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March 20

Interview with PC Cast

Originally appeared at MonsterLibrarian.com

P.C. Cast is the co-author with her daughter Kirstin the popular young adult vampire series House of Night books and is the author of the Goddess Summoning and Partholon book series.

ML: Before I ever read any of the House of the Night books I stumbled upon a picture of your covers and I have to ask, how many people did you have to sacrifice to get such gorgeous covers?

PC: I know! I have seriously excellent cover Karma – always have. It makes me smile. A lot!

ML: It took me a few months to finally pick up Marked, the first book in the series because I read the blurb and thought “Oh, it’s another vampire high school series.” With all the competition out there like Nancy A. Collins’ Vamps series and Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy series, what do you think makes your books different?

PC: My world is the only one that is based around a matriarchal belief system. The message of empowering young women really resonates with teenagers. Also, I try hard to keep the kids real, which means that quite often I push the envelope with the themes I tackle in the books, and while that can be difficult it also reaches my audience and means a lot to them.

ML: All the students in the House of the Night series are marked by the vampire goddess Nyx, destined to become her representatives in the world. Can you tell us a little about how your vampires are different from the ones we’re more familiar with and why you made them that way?

PC: Well, as I said, I’ve based their belief system on a Pagan, matriarchal society. I choose to do that because I believe in empowering women. It’s a theme on which I’ve focused my adult books, too. Also, carrying through with the Pagan ideology, I’ve made the journey of my teens Changing into vamps more biological with a touch of paranormal, versus the other way around. I did that because I like the earth-based aspect of it, and my father is a biologist, so research is a family affair!

ML: Also a large part of the series is an amazing mixture of ancient and modern myths. How did you manage to modernize multiple ancient pagan cultures yet keep everything so familiar?

PC: Practice! I used ancient myths in my adult books, especially the Goddess Summoning Series, and wove a modern slant throughout them. It’s something I’m very comfortable with. For as long as I can remember, I rewritten history/myths/stories in my head.

ML: You write this series with your daughter, Kristin, which is just amazing. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of writing a series with a close relative?

PC: Writing is usually such a solitary job that it’s nice to have someone in it with me. I write the entire first draft, and then send it to Kristin for her to go through. It makes me feel like I can relax and write, knowing she has my back. Believe me, she’ll let me know if I’ve messed up and made Zoey sound 40-something! I guess the down side would be that she’s the only person in the world who can tell me (and has), “No, Mom. You have to change it ’cause that sucks.”

ML: The House of the Night series isn’t your only series. Can you tell us about the other books you have out there?

PC: I write an adult paranormal romance series for Berkley called the Goddess Summoning Books. They’re fun, sexy retellings of ancient myths/legends, with a modern twist. I also have an adult fantasy series I’ve written for LUNA, and two YA books for Harlequin Teen written in the same world. And this past fall I joined the Nocturne team with THE AVENGER, which was part of a cool Time Raiders collection.

ML: Your books seem to have a focus on women who are chosen in some way for wild, magical destinies, almost like modern tales of power or fairy tales for women. Do you think you purposefully set out to be an inspiration to women, and do you think younger girls need more magic and encouragement in their lives?

PC: I did set out to empower and inspire modern women, young and old(er). I love so much about today’s women – we’re strong and independent, well educated and wise. I love that we step out and live life with confidence, and that many of us won’t be bound by outdated societal chains. Yes! Young women need to understand how valuable they are, and magic and encouragement does help with that!

ML: Another wonderful aspect I’ve found in your books is how the characters all, after figuring out the plot and defeating the bad guys, seem to be on a quest to find something and someone to connect with. Zoe Redbird, from the House of the Night series, for example, leaves a family that doesn’t seem to want to connect with her, who are fueled by a religion about control and, in becoming what used to be considered a monster, she finds people who care about her and support her and a connection to something greater than her that inspires and strengthens her. Do you think this reflects a growing disconnect from things and people in the world today, or do you feel that this is a universal position that people find themselves in, which makes it easy to relate to?

PC: I think it’s universal and timeless, especially with teenagers. And don’t we all wish we could take the negatives in our lives and turn them to positives? Or at the very least, use them to empower us to make better decisions and to work for change?

ML: Paganism features very strongly into your stories and your characters are also very upfront and honest about drug use, drinking and sex (and might I say for the most part your characters seem to have very good heads on their shoulders about these issues). Which aspect do you think has led to more school libraries banning your books?

PC: Sex! When I taught high school I actually had parents tell me that they didn’t care about the amount of violence their kids read/watched, but no sex. Great lesson for our young people, huh? Violence = acceptable. Sex = horrid, bad, dirty. Teenagers deal with sexual issues on a daily basis. I believe in facing those issues and opening a dialogue without judging and condemning. I think many teenagers do have good heads on their shoulders, especially when they’re allowed to talk about their feelings honestly and without incrimination.

ML: Finally, as both an author and a former high school teacher inspiring a love of reading in people is clearly something you enjoy doing. What books, other than your own of course, do you think inspire teens to a lifelong habit of reading? What can parents, and librarians, do to encourage children and teens to read?

PC: Parents and librarians and teachers can encourage kids to read by setting an example and reading! Books should be a habit at home as well as at school. Kids should grow up seeing their parents read. They should frequent libraries and bookstores, and be raised knowing the power and magic of the written word. Some of my favorite lifelong books: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee, BEAUTY by Robin McKinley, FAHR 451 by Ray Bradbury, THE SILVER METAL LOVER by Tanith Lee, DRAGON FLIGHT, DRAGON QUEST, and THE WHITE DRAGON by Anne McCaffrey, THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES by Sue Monk Kidd – to name only a few!

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