March 21

What I’m Reading: May Dawson’s Dragon Royals series

I’m struggling in my haul through Anne Rice’s The Witching Hour, so I decided to go for something different. I’m a sucker for reverse harems these days, Romance in general, but even tropes, as long as they are done well, are prefect for the kind of escapist reading I’m looking for these days.

I downloaded a sample of May Dawson’s Dragon Royals series from a Facebook Ad (I download a lot of samples that way, though more often than not I’m disappointed.) Before I got a few pages in I knew I was going to keep reading.

The series is part Chosen One, part Cinderella, and part political intrigue. Honor is the rebellious step child of a once great Lord who weathered scandal by taking her in. Believed to be the child of his mistress, she feels guilt for destroying his world before he he passed. She’s trying to support her half sister from the abuse of their evil stepmother (who totally killed their father) by working as a maid at The Academy, where the predator shapeshifters train to defend the kingdom from the threat of the zombie Scourge.

Then she falls in love with the Dragon Royals, a group of six men, born by magic, to be the next rulers of the island.

This series is delightfully complex, though a bit convoluted by the end. The young adult dragon royals are involved in their own conspiracy against their fathers, who have gone to extreme and abusive lengths to maintain their power. The presence of a female dragon, Honor, exposes not just the worst sides of their fathers, but the truth of their pasts, from overthrowing the last true king, to their roles in the curse affecting the entire land that also created the Scourge.

I enjoyed the piece by piece reveal of an entire history and culture of the island before the story starts. I enjoyed that none of the male leads were really buying into the culture of oppression built by their fathers even before the books begin. They had their own goals and their own plots going on and becoming entangled with Honor only complicated things. I might be sadistic, as well, but I enjoyed that the men, though entitled and powerful, still paid a price to follow their hearts, both in their relationships with honor and in who they want to be and how they want to rule.

There are obvious tropes present. Honor is a Cinderella, she’d bad at her job but still keeps it. She’s bullied and endangered. But it doesn’t feel flat or cliche. Even her abusers come off as real people with real motivations of their own in the context of the world setting.

Somehow, Dawson also manages to add a power creep that doesn’t exactly make things easier on the characters, or make them magically more powerful than their foes.

As for the romance and sex, the sex scenes are blisteringly fun (OMG, the scene where they are under the influence of the sirens will remain one of my favorites), and manage to include multiple men in ways without only exploring multiple orifices’. The men are unique, and they all are allowed unique relationships with Honor. By the end, when there are eight of them and the plot is on an intense civil and international war, their characters get a little thin, but I have mixed feelings because that area of the books also allows to the heroine to maintain a huge amount of personality and agency of her own. She refuses to be tucked away by her men, and in fact, has to run away from them to stay true to who she needs to be as a person. I like the idea that they all get to be people first and relationships second.

The Cons are: Each book ends on a cliffhanger. I didn’t mind as much because none of them felt drawn out for space. Each had a satisfying level of complex plot and relationship plot. But a lot of readers are against this. Heck, I’m usually against this, but again, there are a lot of tropes or things like that that I found forgivable in the context of the good, engaging writing.

I think the author herself sort of lost track of how the world was developing because certain things from the beginning were just dropped with no resolution. (Was Alis really Honor’s parents’ surrogate??) And, as a reader of many genres, the civil/national warring in the last two books racked up a body count that felt rather…minimized. But then it’s almost like the author had to realign her own genre mixing style to stick to the romance angle rather than exploring fantasy with a romance storyline. But the plot never felt too thin or idealistic.

I do recommend this series, for erotic readers and fantasy romance readers as well. It’s fun, made me laugh out loud a lot, and is sexy as hell without being contrived or boring.  I sped through it in about a week–despite each book being 300-400pages– and at $2.99 a book (or on Kindle Unlimited) it’s not a huge hit to the bank account either.









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February 21

Coming March 1st- In His Tendrils

Emma Veneta is a typical high powered, uber responsible property management specialist for Roh Corp, a multi planet leader in all in one entertainment-and-housing complexes. When Prism Falls, a luxury tower with a diamond-and-waterfalls theme, comes under attack by a new alien life form only she and her paramour, Stanis, stand between the hundreds of occupants and …whatever the thing in the tank is.

Sample below 😉

Prism Falls was another mixed-capital community, one of three Emma Veneta managed for a ludicrously wealthy collection of people who had likely never set foot inside any of the communities’ doors. The first two floors were what most people called “a mall” and which the tourist adverts Emma just approved called “a unique shopping experience”. Business offices occupied floors three and four, five through nine held rentable rooms and conference spaces licensed out to the “Express” line of a swanky name in the hotel industry. After that came fifteen stories of mixed housing (flats, traditional apartments, indoor garden spaces, and townhouse-style condos), and five levels of penthouse suites.

Each of the three communities had a shtick. The Zenith had a petting zoo featuring exotic animals, feline-lover flats with built-in ceiling-level walkways and aviaries, and a pod of Mustela purgamenta furo, a genetically created beastie which looked like a domestic ferret, but ate nearly all the refuse human-kind could create, who lived in cute little see-through tunnels all in the walls of the building. Lush Gardens cultivated lush gardens or some form of domesticated jungle in every room on every floor. Prism Falls boasted water features, most impressively the ginormous namesake artificial waterfalls that ran over a base of flammidermite, a man-made stone that was part diamond and part fire opal.

The skylights shining down on the main falls’ tons of flammidermite had to be carefully shade-controlled because if direct noonday sun hit the stone, the rainbow prisms it threw out could light paper and many fabrics aflame and burn human skin. But the bosses insisted on the real stuff, so the architect designed special in-floor lighting to mimic the beauty without the danger.

For Em, however, Prism Falls stood out for another reason; Stanis Montgomery. Lead of the community security force, Stanis was a delicious piece of man-flesh who managed to be charming in and out of bed. He’d never been to her place, she’d never seen his, though a number of rooms in Prism Falls now had entertaining memories attached for the two of them. Over the past few weeks, besides enjoying each other, they’d begun flirting with…well, not monogamy, but definitely some kind of steady, loyal, pseudo-relationship thing.

Em wasn’t sure what would become of them, but her excitement still outstripped her trepidation, so she was following it. Wasn’t that old saying “Follow your Bliss”?

The devil himself took that moment to step around a glimmering six foot carving that hid the main security office in the first floor bend Em had been eyeing. Six four, short, feathered dark hair, broad shoulders, and a tight, muscled butt…He looked at the carving, a long-haired human woman with her head tilted back in pleasure, her carved hair the thin trickles that pooled beneath her into a koi pond. He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

Bliss, indeed.

“What brings a girl like you to a kitschy place like this?” he asked. He’d confessed he wasn’t much of a people person, but he’d been raised in the city and had no appetite for a rural life. Still, he jokingly referred to his position as the Head Human Herder. If he was the herder, she was running the farm. The whole place was designed to milk the time and money from beings who were more targets than faces.

“Evaluation and photographing empty space. The bosses need occupants, you know. Though they can’t even decide what kind of spaces these should be.”

“Decisions are hard,” Stanis said, nodding sagely.

“Too hard, apparently.”

“Well, does a pretty girl like you ever take time to play?”

“Roh Corp doesn’t pay people to play, not even girls,” Em said, mimicking his early tone.

“Indeed, this is the least fun, exciting place on Earth I’ve ever been to.” He moved closer, brushing her hip with his hand. He smelled divine, like a heavy carb meal and a night cuddled in silk sheets. His head bent down toward her neck.

With a regretful sound, she pulled away, feeling only the kiss of his warm breath on her throat. “I do plan to be a naughty girl today. I might be working through the night.”

“Luckily, you’re an executive and get liberal use of the company suites.”

Hmm, yes she did. They’d made use of the company suites quite often. Maybe too often. Now that she counted it, she hadn’t spent a night or day at home in almost two weeks.

“Liberal use later,” she answered. She turned away, but made sure her fingers brushed casually across the front of his pants. “For now, the time clock calls.”

He made a noise as she walked away. She was pretty sure he watched her ass sway in her heels as she went. The flare of her libido worked almost as well as a caffeine patch to spur her into the day.

The first bare space sat on the other side of the first floor food court. A second tier of more formal dining spaces were arranged around an opening in the floor that looked down at the first floor, So people could look down on the cheapskates, or the less financially endowed. On the second tier light sparkled through the prism stones. On the first, in an advertisement for The Zenith, the stones melded seamlessly into a myriad of aqua-tanks, some the size of a porthole, others towering into the second floor. This bare space curved around behind the second largest tank, the one that housed eighteen feet straight up of coral caves and exotic undersea plants.

Em paused as she approached the tank. It made it more difficult to photograph the space, since it split the potential storefront, making it look significantly smaller. There was something else, as well.

The tank looked a lot less sparkly than the others tucked around the tables. It had always had a partial cover of seaweed, the movement of shadow and light designed to catch the eye. But the tank looked outright smothered by thick, dark gray-green tendrils of plants.

As she looked closer, eyeing the light pods to make sure none had burned out, she pursed her lips. The normal activity of the fish was off, as well. Typically, pods of colorful creatures darted around, doing whatever tasks occupied their fishy minds. But try as she might, she couldn’t spot a single fin.

Em huffed. One more thing she was going to have to address. Immediately, actually, because the light was throwing off the sparkle that should have carried over to the storefront. Sure she could add sparkle digitally, but someone would complain. Especially if they saw that reality did not meet the advert’s promises.

When Em spun around to head for the aquatics manager’s office she just missed seeing a tendril of seaweed curl off from the rest and brush the walls of the aquarium where she’d stood.

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February 15

New Kickstarter: Psychic Kids

Wet Ink Games has launched a new Kickstarter that I’m a part of. Psychic Kids, the next Indie RPG from Wet Ink Games is NOW LIVE on Kickstarter! Use the powers of your mind to flee the agents of the Facility and find your way to the last place you felt safe.

Both my daughter and I have written for this game and we’ll be running adventures for it at GenCon this year. You can back it here.


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February 11

2023 Gencon Games

Heckin’ Good Doggos Save Everything

Thursday August 3, 2023, 4pm-8pm

2-8 players, 6+ (Very Kid Friendly)

Play beloved family dogs (or street mutts with hearts of gold) looking to save their humans from terrible perils like men with hats, and stonky cat schemes to take over the world. (Or just the neighborhood, but still!)

This game will cover character creation and multiple adventure scenarios for Wet Ink Games’ Heckin’ Good Doggos. We will be focusing on mundane adventures and challenges from the core rule set.

I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game. More information on the game is here. You can purchase it here.



Never Going Home- Tears in the Sea

Friday August 4, 2023, 2pm-6pm

2-6 Players, 18+

Join the German crew of U-19 as they track down the secrets of PROJECT RIPTIDE aboard the cursed U-boat that still carries the flesh of her last crew.

This game will cover character creation and as much of the NGH Mission Folio Tears in the Sea as we can manage in the time block.

I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game. More information on the game is here. You can purchase it here.




**The Psychic Kids will launch soon on Kickstarter.**

Psychic Kids- Lost in the Woods

Saturday August 5, 2023, 6pm-10pm

2-6 Players, 13+

Last night you escaped from The Facility, and now you’re hunting down the very idea of home, all from clues found through the Facility and half remembered dreams of a five year old with precognition. But The Facility sits deep in a strange woods, miles from cities you don’t know how to function in. And you’re just a bunch of kids, with a legion of adult agents after you.

I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game.

Category: Business, My Work, Wet Ink Games | Comments Off on 2023 Gencon Games
February 1

It’s done!

My Covid project, The Lady of the Valley is finally done and posted wholly over on Wattpad. You can read it here. I will be releasing it ebook form at some point. First chapter below.


The cemetery stood as an oasis of calm in the middle of madness. Fifty yards beyond, two massive yews stood guard at the path to the little refuge. Beyond those the blend of humanity representing Mystic Valley University mingled, rushed, loafed about, and generally lived their mundane lives. Derek felt quite irritated at himself for feeling intimidated by it.

“Hello, friend.”

The voice startled him. He spun around as a woman inched closer. She had a careful demeanor, but as she leaned forward her thick braid fell over her neck and her backpack tried to slide off her shoulder. She reached out an arm, strung with multiple bracelets, and carefully spread a handful of shredded chicken nuggets on the marble table top a foot from him. Then she backed away again and sat down at the base of a tree with the rest of her lunch. Somehow he hadn’t even noticed her. Which bothered him.

“I like to people watch too,” she continued. “And this is a good spot to people watch. They’ve learned to ignore this place, so they don’t even think about anyone being back here.”

He considered her for a moment. Cocking his dark head at her. Then he picked at the nuggets, though he wasn’t really hungry. He’d never been offered food like this before.

Honestly, he’d never had anyone talk to him while in animal form before. Not directly, and certainly not gently, like this woman. And he wasn’t the only one. Nearby two feral cats sat working on their own nuggets, and while he watched, the woman dumped half a container of fries out for the birds and the squirrel in the tree behind her. They were waiting on her.

He cocked his head again. She was a touch taller than the average woman, on the plump side of curvy, with bright blue-gray eyes and a brighter smile. She moved slowly, so as not to startle the wild-ish life gathered around her. One hand played with her odd colored hair. It was too dark to be blonde, too light to be tow headed, with a definite sheen of red. Amused, he realized if she was a cat, like the ones which gathered at her feet, she’d be a calico.

“Sometimes,” she continued, possibly addressing him, or maybe the cats kissing up for more chicken. “I don’t want to go back into all that chaos. But then, I realize, while I like my peace, I like a challenge too.”

She shot him a grin, tossed out three more nuggets and gathered her trash and back pack. Then she shrugged. “So back into the craziness.”

He watched her walk out past the yew sentinels. Then looked down at the bits of chicken at his feet. Back into the craziness indeed.

Then Derek shook out his feathers and took flight for where he’d left his own bag, hoping he was ready for a little chaos.


* * *


“Welcome to Campus Culture,” the man at the front of the classroom said. He clicked the tiny remote in his hand and the next slide moved forward, turning his presentation into colored text. “Or as I like to call it, Humaning 101.”

Derek snorted. Much of the class tittered along.

“The administration has lost faith in much of the parenting capabilities of the world, so in this class, which is the only one that every student on campus is required to take, we will cover a number of basic life skills. You might be bored. You might learn something new. But this is a pass/fail class and the only test is whether you show up or not. So enjoy the easy A while you can.”

The instructor smiled at the full room. Click. A photo of the instructor wearing a super hero costume along with four other familiar heroes popped up. “In my normal life, here on campus, I teach in the art department. So I’ve tried to make this class entertaining, at least.”

The door opened and the woman from before entered. Derek straightened in his seat. The instructor gestured immediately to her. “Great timing. This is Astrid, my T.A. If you email me, you will probably be talking to her because she is much more organized than I am and she actually likes computers.”

Derek’s eyes followed Astrid instead of the lecture. The bounce of her teal backpack against her back, the way her braid fell over her shoulder when she leaned over to put the bag on the floor, and especially the way the muscles and veins moved beneath her skin held his attention far more than he was prepared for. He didn’t need a new obsession. He had plenty of trouble as it was.

Gods, he thought, please don’t let Mystic Valley be as interesting as the rest of his life.

* * *


Astrid studied the new crop of students while pretending to draw in her sketchbook. The first class was always about the history of Mystic Valley and MVU. The parts the administration was okay with talking about, anyway. Distinguished past. One of the first integrated universities in Kentucky. Yada yada. It seemed like they should be past patting themselves on the back for letting minorities and the womens learn, but MVU was a special place. It was right there in the school’s mission statement. Twice.

Mystic Valley was a special place. It drew a certain kind of person into its tentacles.

Two of the people in the class she recognized. They were the younger siblings of people she grew up with. Most of the others drew no more than a cursory glance. Mostly harmless, she told herself with an inner smile. Thank you, Mr. Adams.

Not too far away sat a peculiar guy who she caught looking at her. His short, dark hair feathered disobediently around a paler than average face. He was handsome, in a bold featured kind of way, the way of movie stars and male models who always ended up as the center of attention. Oh yes, he would definitely draw people to him. Especially with those shocking blue eyes. No man had any business having that combination of perfect skin, glossy hair, and thick fringe of eyelashes over actually blue eyes. His glance and the small twist of his lips offered a suggestion of wickedness that no doubt he wouldn’t live up to.

Because real people came with real flaws and led to real disappointment before they left for some better deal with a blonder woman with fewer opinions and fewer inches on her waist. Astrid had bigger things to do with her life than to skip from one ‘I know I’m handsome’ fuck boi to another. So she forced her attention down, to her page, where a map of the city was taking shape in pencil strokes.

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