December 2

When did 11pm become late?

When I spent the day out holiday shoping. The good news is that I *think* it’s all done. The bad news is that web page updates and editing, and even getting the next round of subs ready to go has to wait until tomorrow at the earliest.

But I did find this at Walmart with the holiday Barbies.

That’s right. It’s an homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds– Barbie being attacked by a flock of birds. Finally a Barbie I wanted. Unfortunately it was $35. I’m thinking of heading back to the January clearance to try to pick one up.

Oh, and I also took my laptop apart twice today. Once it even worked afterwards! (I had to put in a new CD ROM and after watching Dell techs replace so many motherboards I assumed I had to take the whole thing apart to change out the CD ROM. I didn’t, and the first time I ended up disconnecting the mouse and somehow gained two screws. Second time around I fixed all my own mistakes and finally got the comuter to recognize the new drive.

You never realize how attached you are to having a computer until something goes wrong.

But all is well now, and I’m so exhausted. Tomorrow I’ll post my favorite anthologies. (And yes, the yule shopping did include books, $50 worth.)

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Posted December 2, 2008 by Michele Lee in category "Personal