September 26

Absolutely flattered

So Zoe nominated my for a Kreativ Blogger Award (one of those meme awards). But more than the nom is the bit at the bottom where she names me as one of her favorite mystery writers along side uh, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allen Poe and Agatha Christie. Wow. I mean, I’m assuming she means me, and not this Michelle Lee (who wrote a kids’ fairy book) or this one who wrote a fashion book. Again, wow. You really know how to flatter a girl.

So I’m supposed to nominate 7 people, and 7 mystery authors, so here goes:

1. Stacia Kane

2 Ann Aguirre

3. Naomi Clark

4. Katie Babs

5. Mrs. Giggles

6. Nathan Bransford

7. Colleen Lindsay

These people never fail to either inform or entertain me with their blog posts.

And the 7 mystery authors I’ve really enjoyed are:

Charlaine Harris (if you skip over her Harper Connelly series you are really missing something), Terry Pratchett, JA Konrath, Jim Butcher, Nancy Kress, Tim Davys (had to mention this one because of how well times Amberville was) and I have to mention Zoe herself, because her book The Lesser of Two Evils is still the best self published book I’ve read.

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Posted September 26, 2009 by Michele Lee in category "Business