February 5

Snarl by Lorne Dixon

Reviewed for MonsterLibrarian.com

Snarl by Lorne Dixon
Coscom Entertainment, 2009
ISBN: 978-1897217870
Available: New and Used

Chev, a trucker, Ross, a grandfather and David, his ten year old grandson who just lost his whole family to a house fire, all have the bad luck to find themselves in a horror novel, the kind where the characters get lost and end up in a tiny town terrorized by a gang who also happen to be werewolves. The human townies can’t give the outsiders over to the beasts quickly enough, and the werewolves want to use Chev and Ross as excuses to break the pact made between human and monster fifty years ago.

Snarl is a tale that belongs with the best of werewolf movies: fast-paced, dark, and gruesome. Between humans willing to live complacently with the brutal deaths of many others (as long as it isn’t them) and shape shifters who might have motive to slaughter, there are no clear good guys. For werewolf and general horror fans, it’s a good, solid read and would make a quality addition to public and private libraries looking to expand the number of horror titles in their collection. Recommended.
Contains: Gore, language, violence

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Posted February 5, 2010 by Michele Lee in category "monsterlibrarian