August 15


I hope you like the new website look. With less and less time to do updates I found having a blog and a webpage a little redundant. Essentially it just gave me two things to update where there could be one. I’m aware that some of the links to images are dead. Unfortunately fixing this will just have to wait, if it gets done at all, because I’ve been blogging here for three years now, and that’s a lot images to fix.

If you want to exchange links, now’s a good time to say so. I’m also looking for more review blogs to link to on BookLove, so feel free to suggest things.

Also, again, I would really appreciate it if you’ve read Rot if you go over and rate it or review it on Amazon, GoodReads or LibraryThing.

I also want to point out that I’ve moved my kid and YA book reviews over to Kid Tails, which will hopefully enable librarians and teachers especially to benefit from them. Feel free to pass it on to anyone you think can use it, and furthermore, if you’re a librarian or teacher I would LOVE to “host” reviews from more students/children. I think discussions about books help enhance literacy and love of reading, which is definitely good.

Other than that, feel free to poke around, tell me what you think and enjoy a free read.

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

Posted August 15, 2010 by Michele Lee in category "Business