August 26

Isis by Douglas Clegg

ISBN: 9781593155407

I won this book in a contest.

Isis is the first work I’ve ever read by Douglas Clegg and I have to wonder why it took me so long. Isis is a classic style horror story, part darkness, death and depression, and part fairy tale. Gorgeously written it’s the tale of Iris Villiers, a girl who grew up wandering a land haunted by ghosts and legends, who by all means should have known better than to breach the veil between the living and the dead.

Short (about 100 pages) Isis is full of barely restrained raw emotions, sadness and love. Also peppered between Clegg’s stunning style are illustrations that match the tone of the book with their classic fairy tale style and simple black and white morbidity.

It’s hard to review such a short tale without ruining the plot, so I’ll leave it at this: Isis is not to be missed, a haunting tale that crosses genres and trends and is sure to be just as appealing years from now.

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Posted August 26, 2010 by Michele Lee in category "Personal