March 24

An Important Note about Dorchester

After months of troubles, including failing to pay royalties, changing contracts without notice, publishing books that hadn’t even had the advance money paid, putting up digital versions of books they no longer owned rights too and more authors formerly or currently contracted to Dorchester (Leisure, etc.) have come out publicly to ask readers NOT to buy from Dorchester.

A number of reviewers are also refusing to review anymore Dorchester books. I don’t necessarily support than one, so I will be encouraging readers to buy used print and including the following note with any review of a Dorchester book I review.

Important Note- 3/24/11: Many Dorchester (which includes Leisure and more) authors have recently announced that Dorchester has been failing to send their royalty payments since mid-2010 and is also selling digital copies of books they no longer own the rights to and haven’t owned the rights to since December 2010. Furthermore they are refusing to release rights to books they aren’t paying royalties on and using you, the reader, as their excuse. More information is available at and while there are many wonderful writers under the Dorchester umbrella I have to, at this time, highly recommend that no one buy new books, print or digital, from Dorchester as the money is NOT going to the authors as it should.

I’ve been discouraging people from buying Dorchester books because of this for months, but now I’ll say it outright. It’s wrong and we are in a position to do something about it. Or rather we can not do something about it by not supporting a publisher who is ripping people off (and furthermore completely disrespecting their customers by refusing to address their concerns.)

Serial Ringleader and all around genre bad boy is keeping track of news and the ripple effects of the movement here.

(Also, I should apologize as it’s been pointed out to me that Dorchester does not own Kensington and I’ve been including that in Dorchester’s imprints.)

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Posted March 24, 2011 by Michele Lee in category "Business