- Lush is selling a “Freedom Bar” bath bar (like a fizzy/oil/bubble thing) for around $6 and all proceeds go to FreedomtoMarry.com. So you can help fight for equality and make yourself or someone else smell good.
- Urban Fantasy/Horror/Fantasy/African American fiction (depending on how books are shelved in your store) author L.A. Banks is very ill. There’s an auction going on to help with her medical bills.
- The awesome *and award winning* Apex books has a distribution deal and needs help financing part of their format switch. Like all awesome people Jason understands you all should have incentive, besides more great books out there and you get paid back from your donations right away.
- Writer Beware has a list of Self promotion techniques that DO NOT work (and many are expensive to boot). Can I add a hell yeah to most of them?
- I’m giving away copies of Private Lessons. Details here.