Review: This is My Blood by David Niall Wilson
Macabre Ink, 2010
ISBN: 9780965813532
Available: multi-format digital
This is My Blood is a sneaky, beautifully written Christian horror tale of supernatural damnation and love. In this hard-to-put-down book, a vampire, turned by Lucifer himself to punish humanity, becomes enamored with the mythos of The Christ and finds the love and power radiating from the man himself to be more than she expected. Taking on the role of Mary Magdalene, she finds herself drawn to him, despite Lucifer’s promise that she’s bound to damn him.
Wilson’s tale is enchanting, deeply religious without being judgmental or hypocritical. Beautifully written, it’s definitely worth the cost and the time to read. Highly recommended for budding digital collections.
Contains: Violence, religious themes
Review by Michele Lee