Review: Asylum by Mark Allan Gunnells
Apex Publications, 2010
ISBN: 978-0984553563

Available: New and Digital
Asylum is one of the first releases from a relatively new Apex imprint, The Zombie Feed. If this bold, but recognizable zombie apocalypse story is any indication of things to come, readers have a lot to look forward to.
Curtis is new to the gay nightclub scene, but he allows Jimmy to drag him along to a club called Asylum despite his discomfort. It’s too bad zombies are coming to the party too. While in many ways a straightforward zombie uprising tale, it’s nice to see a new range of stereotypes being pulled out and slapped around.
Asylum also sneaks in a true barb or two about the relationship between gay and straight cultures, and the relationship gay culture has with itself. With a multitude of similar titles about zombies and zombie uprisings, Gunnells provides a breath of fresh air. Publishers take note: there need to be more books like this one, which focuses on the different kinds of people affected instead.
Definitely recommended as a horror tale, and as a savvy example of inclusive fiction.
Contains: Violence, gore, m/m sex scenes