July 26

Review: Shadow Blade by Seressia Glass

Pocket, 2010
ISBN: 9781439156797
Available: Mass market paperback and multiformat digital

Kira’s life is scarred by magic. Unable to touch others because of her power she threw herself into education, both in history and in becoming a slayer of the creatures of the Shadow. Now as an adult she’s a powerful Shadowchaser, the more fighty aspect of a secret organization dedicated to preserving the balance between Chaos and Light. As a follower of Ma’at, balance is very important to Kira.

Then a friend brings a powerful—and evil—ancient blade to her for protection, and he ends up dead in an alley. His death exposes links Kira didn’t even know they had, and makes her feel the loss even more keenly. Then a mysterious (sexy) Nubian warrior claiming to be the blade’s owner appears and when Kira discovers he can touch her without suffering the death that most people do, it changes everything for her.

Shadow Blade is a fantastic Egyptian-themed UF with a lead who’s the strong, calm type. While Kira has a little snark, there’s no jerkiness or bad attitude here, just a woman who cannot connect with humanity trying desperately to save it. It’s a fun, enjoyably complex read. Definitely recommended for UF fans and public collections.

Contains: sexual situations, violence, language

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Posted July 26, 2012 by Michele Lee in category "monsterlibrarian