March 16

Weekend Warriors

I’m going to regret insisting that the new garden fencing go up today after a very busy day at the day job. But for now I’m just exhausted, enjoying a Mike’s strawberry margarita and so flippin’ happy that the whole family chipped in.

Mister and Mini hauled paver stones, dug post holes, raked up and bagged trash and filled in holes the dogs had dug over the winter. Jason put a bunch of stuff out for junk day and help me put up the actual wire fencing (okay, he did most of that part). I raked, moved pavers, dug bricks and pavers out of the ground (previous owner put cheap concrete pavers over one huge section of the yard, but didn’t sand or anything under them, so they got grown over by a few inches), put in the posts and helped with the fencing bits.

I hope to build raised beds and as soon as I can get some assistance from a friend with a truck I’ll be building trellising to give my grapes more space to grow. Silly me I assumed 20 feet of fence space was plenty for two small grape vines. It’s not really.

But after having watched Astrid and Georgie delicately nibble tomatoes from my vines last summer and tear open my upside down planter and eat my strawberry plants over the winter (and Astrid, who was here longer ate my pumpkin plants twice last year and ate some jalapenos then promptly punished the plant for being way too hot by digging it up and shredding it) I knew a fence was going to be an absolute must if I wanted a garden this year. So now I have a nice, new, basic welded wire fence with a recycled gate (left behind by the previous owner. Sometimes it’s convenient to inherit junk during a move.)

Its been dog tested and not only did the whole family work on it…they didn’t complain either. So not bad for a day’s work. Now, to my heating pad and aspirin!

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Posted March 16, 2013 by Michele Lee in category "Personal