June 10

Looking at the good side.

I try to, I really do!

Like, hey I got to hear my boss say multiple times that I am very good at my job and an excellent worker the other day. Because a customer was screaming at her on the phone saying I deserved to be bitten by her dog because I was incompetent.

And Mini and I have done a great job working on her Black Widow costume. I even let her dye her hair. But that’s spawned a conversation of the lack of female Avengers (in the movie at least) and my mommy senses being overly cautious about letting her get into cosplay. Because of stuff like this. Mini’s costume is not risque at all. But neither are the pictures shown on those pillows. I have to balance her absolute love for geek culture with caution. Why? Because still think that dressing up in a costume, sexy or not equates consent for touching, photo ops and putting their image on pillows to be sold to random strangers at cons. Also I don’t want her to be paranoid about it and ruin her fun either.

Rot got a wonderful new review on Amazon. But I don’t have any contest entries yet. (Maybe you all would prefer to buy Rot?)

And then there’s the whole SFWA kerfluffle. But I plan to rant about that later. I really am trying to be positive here.


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Posted June 10, 2013 by Michele Lee in category "Business