I have a ton of work this week including day job work and the massive work that is WFC. Anyone who has gone on a big trip knows that before you can even pack you have to do laundry and make sure you have all the [bags/toothpaste/body wash/socks] you need. And before you can leave the house you have to “set up” certain things so you don’t come home to a disaster. Not that I think I’ll be coming home to a disaster, but my family is being awesome enough to let me run off for four days over what is our most family-centric time of the year (Jason takes his vacation this time every year.) So I’m trying to be awesome enough to set them up for a good four days instead of ones filled with “holy shit we forgot to get dog food”s.
Likewise, with it being a busy time of the year, both the kids’ school are having fall festivals (which require everything from candy and cookie donations to art contest entries) and next Friday will be their in-class Halloween parties. This will be my first time ever missing a class party–and I’ll miss two of my favorites. So to ease things we’ve been stuffing treat bags for the classes not to mention spending lots of family time together.
Plus, um, I sort of promised the kids that I’d write a zombie book they could actually read for them as a Yule gift and there is only like a month before I need to have it ready in order to print copies in order to have them for sure by Yule.
And did I mention Pam Grier is signing at the store tomorrow?
So yeah. Busy.
Oh yeah, and Horror Library v 4 officially launches on the 26th. You should buy a copy because it has an amazing table of contents (I’m in a book with Bentley Little! And Jeff Strand!)
So blogging (and Twittering) will be sporadic. I’d say non existent, but then I’d find something I want to rant about. So let’s go with sporadic.