January 24

This is me confused

Over and over the last year I’m been facing up to the overwhelming consensus that if I want to make it as a pro writer I’m going to have to stop reviewing. I’ve certainly encountered difficulties from it before. And in the past few months three writers I admire greatly have all come out and said that you can’t do both.

The most recent happened just today over at Stacia Kane’s blog. Sure she wasn’t talking directly to me, but it’s something we’ve talked about before. Bless her Stacia’s not being mean at all. She’s right in that once you get published things change, and you do lose the right to voice your opinion without people flipping out on you all the time, sometimes over nothing. This is why I’ve seriously slowed down in blogging, and reviewing. I don’t want to be the writer that only posts about their work, but the world kind of demands that.

But also today came my friend Nicole Cushing’s Apex blog post on short stories where she credits my recommending Jennifer Pelland’s Unwelcome Bodies to her at Context in 2008 not just for giving her an enjoyable read, but for jump starting her re-joining of the writing circle. I read Unwelcome Bodies for review.

And also today I found out that some of my coworkers read my reviews, which means they don’t just help me do my job better, but they might be helping them do theirs better. And it’s commonplace for us to get letters from librarians over at Monster Librarian thanking us for helping them choose which books best fit their collections.

So it’s a really tough spot I’m in, where I know that reviewing might be holding me back from that whole representation and NY contract thing, but it’s also adding so much to other parts of my life (not to mention I’m still making more as a reviewer than as a writer, and that’s not including bookseller pay which, by the way my stint as a reviewer and being able to list websites and editors as references got me in the first place.)

This is what a career as a writer is, looking at where you are, where you want to be and trying to guess how best to get there. And usually, there is no right answer. but is there a best answer, and if so, what the hell do I do now?

January 2

2010 Metrics


2010 Word Count (Reviews): 35,793

Books Read: 104

(Live reviews are linked where applicable)


1. Trail of Madness by Zoe E. Whitten

2. Silver by Steven Savile

3. Afterlife by Naomi Clark

4. Apex December 2009

5. Elphame’s Choice by PC Cast

6. The Haunting of Sam Cabot by Mark Edward Hall

7. Skull Full of Kisses by Michael West


8. Writers Workshop of Horror, edited by Michael Knost

9. U.S. Army Zombie Combat Skills

10. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

11. Demon Possessed by Stacia Kane

12. Under by Bradd Quinn

13. Apex January 2010

14. Apex February 2010

15. Strange Magic by Gord Rollo

16. Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs

17. Seven Times a Woman by Sara M. Harvey (beta’d)

18. Slaughter by Marcus F. Griffin

19. Donny’s Day by Brendon Brentson


20. P&P&Z: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith

21. Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep by Liz Kessler

22. BtVS: Predators and Prey

23. Z.E.O. by Scott Kenemore

24. Apex Magazine, March 2010

25. Phoenix and the Darkness of Wolves by Shane Jiraiya Cummings

26. Jason Dark #1: Demon’s Night by Guido Henkel

27. Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman

28. Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

29. Welcome to River Street by Amy Levy (beta’d)

30. Jason Dark #2: Theater of Vampires by Guido Henkel

31. Jason Dark #3: Ghosts Templar by Guido Henkel

32. The Changed by BJ Barrow

33. Secrets of Droon #27: The Chariot of Queen Zara


34. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ocklerbb

35. Shift by Rachel Vincent

36. My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent

37. Hell Fire by Ann Aguirre

38. Apex Magazine, April 2010

39. Of Wolf and Man by Christopher Fulbright

40. Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris

41. Beautiful Dead: Jonas by Eden Maguire


42. Silver Kiss by Naomi Clark

43. The Trouble With Tink by Kiki Thorne

44. Valley of the Dead by Kim Paffenroth

45. Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane

46. Futile Flame by Sam Stone

47. Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews

48. Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane

49. Animythical Tales by Sarah Totton


50. Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs

51. Murky Depths #9

52. Jars in the Cellar by Lee Clark Zumpe

53. Better Off Alone by Y Sfetsos

54. City of Ghosts by Stacia Kane

55. Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

56. My So-Called Death by Stacey Jay

57. Apex May 2010

58. Reader’s Digest Houseplants

59. Apex June 2010

60. Polluto #3


61. A Rush of Wings by Adrian Phoenix

62. Little Women and Werewolves by Louisa May Alcott and Porter Grand

63. Monsters: And Investigator’s Guide to Magical Beings by John Michael Greer

64. Deadtown by Nancy Holzner

65. The Witching Hour by Ann Rice

66. Scent of the Wolf by Tracy Jones

67. Tales of Madness by William Ollie

68. Wolf Hunt by Jeff Strand

69. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison


70. Troglodyte Rose by Adam Lowe

71. Yaccub’s Curse by Wrath James White

72. Through the Veil by Shiloh Walker

73. Isis by Douglas Clegg

74. Veil of shadows by Shiloh Walker

75. In the Closet, Under the Bed by Lee Thomas


76. Killbox by Ann Aguirre

77. Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

78. Crank by Ellen Hopkins

79. Glass by Ellen Hopkins

80. Apex, July 2010

81. Fallout by Ellen Hopkins

82. Zen of Zombie by Scott Kenemore


83. So Now You’re a Zombie by John Austin

84. Alpha by Rachel Vincent

85. Runaway Ralph by Beverly Cleary

86. Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews

87. Beck and the Great Berry Battle

88. A Clockwork Vampire by Karen Koehler

89. The Witches by Roald Dahl


90. How To Eat Fried Furries by Nicole Cushing

91. King Maker by Maurice Broaddus

92. Grave Secret by Charlaine Harris

93. The New Dead, ed by Christopher Golden

94. Divine by Mistake by P.C. Cast


95. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl

96. Apex Magazine #19

97. The Stepsister Scheme by Jim C. Hines

98. Stop Walking on Eggshells

99. The Mermaid’s Madness by Jim C. Hines

100. Red Hood’s Revenge by Jim C. Hines

101. Teen Titans #1: A Kid’s Game

102. Angel: After the Fall #1

103. Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

104. Captain Underpants: The Amazing Captain Underpants Collector’s Edition (#1) by Dav Pilky


The truth here is, I sort of lost count. Between a computer crash and wipe this summer and a shift in the way I approach my writing career I’ve just stopped keeping track of my number of subs and rejects and whatnot. It doesn’t help that I trunked a number of stories, I got a day job and forgot to keep submitting shorts and that my primary focus (not on purpose, it just ended up that way) has been on edits and rewrites, which does all kinds of things to word count metrics. There’s just no real good way to keep track of these things once you’re past the first draft since you could add a hundred words, but also cut ninety modifiers without really noticing.

But 2010 has been one of my most successful years yet. I’ve been published better, noticed more and even managed to stay in the black (fiscally speaking) after attending cons. Writing completely paid for my trip to WFC this year, plus some. And that, in my book, scores very high on the success meter.

Fiction Word Count (a guess): 98,562



First books bought in 2011:

Winter Girls by Laurie Halse Anderson

Highborn by Yvonne Navarro

Captain Under Pants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets

The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling

December 27

Best of 2010

In no real order. Also, these are the best from what I read in 2010, not what came out (expect a full list of what I read in 2010 later this week).

Oh, and one more note, there were plenty more books that I adored, but these are the ones I thought had the widest appeal. So consider this list my “You must read this book” list.

Writers Workshop of Horror by Michael Knost
Phoenix and the Darkness of Wolves by Shane Jiraiya Cummings
Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
20 Boy Summer by Sara Ockler
Valley of the Dead by Kim Paffenroth
Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane
Wolf Hunt by Jeff Strand
Troglodyte Rose by Adam Lowe
Yaccub’s Curse by Wrath James White
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
The Stepsister Scheme by Jim C. Hines
In the Closet, Under the Bed by Lee Thompson

Ones I personally enjoyed the heck out of that might not have as wide appeal:

How to Eat Fried Furries by Nicole Cushing

Afterlife by Naomi Clark

Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith

Futile Flame by Sam Stone

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December 14

Dark Scribe Black Quill Awards (vote for me)

You can vote here. I might just be involved with one of the books nominated as best anthology (Horror Library v 4). Of course, my friends Jerry Gordon and Maurice Broaddus (and publisher Jason Sizemore) might just have their epic anthology Dark Faith on the ballot in direct competition with me.

I knew I should have challenged them to duels at Apex Day.

(By the way, pictures of Apex Day are up here, if you’re interested.)

You should vote for me (aka Horror Library volume 4) because, well, it will encourage me to write more. Maybe in a zombie novel. But Jerry and Maurice are evil editor-type people who have rejected hundreds of people. Hundreds! Including me! Multiple times! Voting for them would only encourage them to reject more people, and next time it might be you.

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December 14

Charity Auction for Karen Koehler

From Jerrod Balzer:


We’ve got some auctions being held to support K.H. Koehler during some very difficult times. Her mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and endured a double mastectomy. So far, it has been successful, but lack of decent insurance and sick pay has left her dealing with staggering medical bills. Add to that the annual taxes and other necessities, and the holidays have become quite bleak.

This is a combined effort by several friends and authors to give them some peace of mind this Christmas, even if it’s only a little bit. K.H. Koehler has always been a generous, warm-hearted person, there for anyone who has needed her assistance, and her mother is equally charming, and courageous beyond belief for undergoing such a hardship with so little warning.

These books are in great shape and the majority of them are signed, so they would make excellent gifts for yourself or a collector you may know. Bid knowing that 100% of the proceeds are going straight to two wonderful people who could really use the smile it may bring.

Anyone who would like to make a monetary donation without bidding can send it via PayPal to jerrodbalzer@gmail.com

I’ll pool everything together in the end and get it to her.

There are 3 book bundles up for grabs, and there may be more on the way. Here they are:

Auction bundle #1 (CLICK HERE to bid):

I’LL BE DAMNED by Shane Ryan Staley (signed softcover)

MIDLISTERS by Kealan Patrick Burke (limited edition hardcover signed by author and artist, Keith Minnion)

THE BLACK ACT by Louise Bohmer (softcover, NOT signed)

CHANGELING MOON by Christine Morgan (signed softcover)

THE DOUBLE-D AVENGER film novelization by Jerrod Balzer (signed softcover, soon to be out of print)

FALLEN by Thomas E. Sniegoski (signed softcover)

Auction bundle #2 (CLICK HERE to bid):

NIGHT LIFE by Ray Garten (signed hardcover)

DISPOSAL by Jeff Strand (limited edition hardcover signed by author and artist, Keith Minnion)

KING MAKER by Maurice Broaddus (signed mass market paperback)

BLACK ROSES by Christine Morgan (signed softcover)

FRANKENSTEIN VS THE CREATURE FROM BLOOD COVE film novelization by Jerrod Balzer (signed softcover, soon to be out of print)

Jeff Smith’s BONE: TALL TALES with Tom Sniegoski (softcover signed by Tom Sniegoski)

Auction bundle #3 (CLICK HERE to bid):

THE CAGE by Brian Keene (limited edition hardcover signed by author and artist, Keith Minnion)

MONKEY LOVE by John Paul Allen (limited edition hardcover signed by author and artist, Keith Minnion)

AT THE END OF CHURCH STREET by Gregory L. Hall (softcover, NOT signed)

LONGSHOT (X-Men & Spider-man) graphic novel by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams (softcover, NOT signed)

LUSTER by Shane Ryan Staley (signed softcover)

GIFTED CHILDREN by Christine Morgan (signed softcover)

From me: Karen is very high up on my list of good people. She’s supportive without question, an amazing writer and a good friend. If you can’t afford to bid or donate directly, please consider buying one of her books (Karen is one of the few authors I’m willing to give a guaranteed good read sticker to, and she’s tried hard to make them available at affordable prices.)

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