I’ve got them. I’m not surprised. I spent the weekend so hyped up. First there was nervousness and preparations for the con, then the trip there. And honestly I feel really proud of myself and my “performance” at the con. I mean, the first thing I did was had lunch as part of Brian Keene’s mob. I pitched to three different editors and only planned to pitch to one of them. I sat and had breakfast with
Paula Guran of Juno Books (not one on one, but I was there, conversing.) I spent a while sitting in a bedroom with Gary Braunbeck and Lucy Snyder talking about writing. Kealan Patrick Burke gave me the most enthusiastic greeting I had all con. There were definite lots of great moments.
And now I’m home and I’ve had to work my son through his post con meltdown (it was the first time I’d been gone for the weekend, ever. He was pretty upset, but we worked past it and I’m betting he won’t have a meltdown next time at all.) My body and mind are still on fast forward “work the crowd” mode but it’s also exhausted.
I mean, I came home and instead of watching the Dexter premiere I started cleaning the room.
But I’ve managed to work on a bit of everything today. I added all the books I got into my database and into the Reader project sheet I’m keeping. I’ve addressed all the mail that I had (I could check mail at the con, but Ohio doesn’t have Insight, so for some reason I couldn’t send mail.) I hit my word count goal for today, and updated the BookLove Index. I even dusted and reorganized one one my bookcases.
But doesn’t feel like enough and my body can’t keep up with my mind at this point. I imagine this is rather like what my son feels, like he desperately needs stimulation (his is sensory, mine is social/activity based) but nothing he tries is quite right, leaving him with a aggitated feeling.
At least I’m not sick like Brian Keene (who over this weekend has been “Brain Keene” and “Briane Keene” in my blog entries before I fixed them).
Oh yes, and I joined Twitter, because too many people I’d like to continue interacting with are mucking about there.
ETA And some people mentioned being interested in testing out the Shocklines Writers Group, which is less and less being associated with Shocklines just because it seems we’re all to busy to post there much anymore. Information on how to get in for October (deadline October 2nd) are here.