Spring 2023 Veterinary Survival Box review
I am a paid subscriber.
My Spring Vet survival Box arrived and my coworkers and I got to open it the other day. This time around we got:
Included in this box was:
- A Bento Box
- A Stress Less Medative/Relaxation/Affirmation Deck
- A solar calculator
- Nuun Electrolyte tablets
- Sun & Swell Date Energy Bites
- A Dogs & Cats elastic bracelet
- and A Pawprint-Semicolon sticker.
My value break down is:
- A Bento Box- $9.99 on Amazon
- A Stress Less Medative/Relaxation/Affirmation Deck- $9.49 on Amazon
- A solar calculator
- Nuun Electrolyte tablets- About $5.68 each on Amazon
- Sun & Swell Date Energy Bites- About $2.17/bag on Barista Underground
- A Dogs & Cats elastic bracelet
- and A Pawprint-Semicolon sticker.
And my reviews:
- A Bento Box
I love Bento boxes. Like. I am tempted by them every time I see them. and this one is cute as hell, has nice portions that fit my needs for a work lunch box, is microwaveable and made of wheat grass so it’s green and BPA free. Also the utensils are not flimsy or undersized, so it won’t snap when I try to eat a salad.
- A Stress Less Medative/Relaxation/Affirmation Deck
Some of these are contrived, but honestly it’s not my first deck of self care. I have a deck of yoga exercises, and Affirmations, and have been watching a deck of “self care side quests” on Kickstarter for a bit now. I even made decks of chores for my kids as teens to “gamify” house maintenance. I do find these and things like these (I also like Finch’s Emotional First aid features) useful for the down moments and given the high rate of depression and suicidal idealizing and worse I think these are genius to include.
- A solar calculator
This was the first thing yoiked by my coworker/daughter. It is bizarre how often we use calculators despite us all having phones with calculators as well.
- Nuun Electrolyte tablets
I got the Tropical fruit flavor and…I was not a fan. I absolutely LOVE the idea of electrolyte tablets. I try lots of different kinds of squirts, powders etc to flavor up my water. I have issues with Aspartame and don’t like Stevia, plus try to avoid added sugars, so while I’m game to try and have tried lots of different things like this I’m also kind of picky. These tablets made the water taste like I’d put a fruit rind in it and made it slightly carbonated, neither things I liked. So even if I had tried a different flavor, the carbonation would make me skip it.
- Sun & Swell Date Energy Bites
I split these with two coworkers (one of whom is my daughter) and they passed with two thirds of us. I thought they were good and would 100% buy more at a reasonable price. They are essentially chopped and blended Cashews and dates with a mild cinnamon flavor. By far not the worst crunchy/keto thing I’ve tried in the last year. Coworker #2 liked them and said they tasted like the smell of a candle store. My daughter was not a fan.
- A Dogs & Cats elastic bracelet
Yoinked by my coworker with smaller wrists. I do love passing out things to my coworkers when I get my boxes.
- and A Pawprint-Semicolon sticker.
I know it’s small, but I absolutely adored this.
Between the things that were useful, the things that were fun to try, and the things I could share with my coworkers I’m still enjoying my survival boxes and look forward to the next one.
Veterinary Survival Box Review
We randomly were sent these at the clinic, and I’ve seen people asking about their quality so, here we go.
We got the latest box as a complete random surprise and we loved it! We split the products up among our tech assistants and kennel assistants. This box included:
-A sticker, Yay!!
-This waist bag–WHICH ACTUALLY FIT MY PLUS SIZED SELF!! It has a waste strap and a leg strap to keep it in place, pockets everywhere and even a little snap loop for your tape. I ended up using it as my standard purse, and even used it when I went on vacation last month. The waist and leg strap combo gives a hands free carry that compensates for the horrific lack of pocket that more women’s pants have.
-A Reusable shopping bag
-A Scribe Pad Dry erase badge reel which I use all the time for when my doctors recommend a new Netflix binge, or because they forget the weight I just told them for the pet we are examining. The dry erase stands up great to smudges and wear. I’d been eyeing these for months, so I was very excited to grab it from the box.
-A bag of Lean Treats (because I don’t know about the rest of you, but my dogs work hard at the clinic too, as official puppy socializers.)
-Hydration Boosters (Tasty!)
-And a cute pair of paw print bandage scissors (which as you can see are on theme for my work kit.)
The Veterinary Survival Box runs $50 every three months (with options to subscribe a year at a time, or to buy various past boxes.) I’ve seen people question the pricing, so here’s a cost comparison:
–Waist Bag: $22.99, Amazon
–Scribe Pad: $8.99, Scribe Pad
–Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier: $8.98 for a 6 ct (the box had 2), Walmart
-Lean Treats: $3, our clinic price
–Bandage Scissors: $15, Vet Tech Stuff
So this box, at least is worth the cost. Seeing as I’ve been looking for a new “box” style kit since Loot Pets stopped shipping, I, of course, subscribed and will see how the next box measures up.
2021 in Review, and Looking Ahead
I knew it had been awhile since I’ve been here, but I didn’t realize it had been over a year. 2021 has been a rough and busy year here, like it has been for others. I did eek out some writing work though.
I have two ongoing novels over on Wattpad. Both started as 2020/21 coping mechanisms.
A vampire on the run from a twisted past lands in a small Kentucky town with more secrets than he has. And a bigger body count.
Includes: Snarky, sexy, badass vampires learning they are not the biggest predators on the planet.
#4 in “Mystery” last I checked.
Of all the places in Briarvale that he could have ended up, he found himself at the worst little pet shop in existence…
Includes: Traditional vampires ruling the world and kinky subtext.
#8 in “Subspace” last I checked.
And I’ve had a few 2021 Publications, though things have been slow.
- The Grim Harvest and Other Tales (Wet Ink Games)
- Never Going Home: Tears in the Sea (Wet Ink Games)
In 2022 expect:
The Lady of the Valley to be finished. More info (and excerpts from) Captured, book 2 of the Ripworld trilogy, and…
The Dad Who Would Not Be Mom.
“My father is a sexual predator.”
I’ve said this aloud before, but in the deep of the night to friends, never while sitting in a therapist’s office. I thought I’d come to terms with that. But still the words are thick and heavy in my mouth. I’m an adult, an adulty adult, with two kids and a job. But I don’t feel like it.
“I don’t have memories of him actually touching me,” I say quickly. “But there are other things.”
I struggled with this for years.
When I was in college a friend then told me I showed hallmarks of being an abuse survivor. Well, yeah. I knew my dad was an alcoholic by that point. I’d cleaned up after him when he was drunk. I’d seen him blitzed out of his mind more times than I could count. I knew he sometimes spontaneously stop being a parent, stop doing parent things like making sure his kids had food and clothes that fit. But I didn’t remember him touching me.
“You know you don’t have to remember anything to still know, right?” the therapist says. I nod. “So tell me what makes you think that,” she asks.
When we first move in with him I’m a little stunned that, for someone when said he was “getting ready for us” he’s done…nothing. We three siblings were separated for five months and isolated from the person who was supposed to be our caregiver so he could “prepare”, but nothing seems to have been done. He moves us into a tiny two bedroom apartment on the side of a mountain next to a highway. It’s not what I’d imagine, even now, as a kid friendly place. Maybe I’m a little spoiled because I’ve never had to share a room with a sibling before. And, he’s sharing with my brother, right? So it’s not like he’s just neglecting us by cramming us all into his tiny bachelor pad. He’s suffering too, right?
But still, for the first time I have access to cable, and no one tells me when I can and can’t watch it. Or when to go to bed. No one tells me to go play outside and then locks the door behind me. We eat out all the time, and there are so many more restaurants than I knew about. On the weekends we go to the park while he walks, and sometimes we go to see movies–even R rated ones!–or we go to fun places like the mall and tourist traps like Rock City and Ruby Falls. Zoos and aquariums. I’m getting all kinds of new fun experiences, trying new food, listening to new music, reading new books without someone looking over my shoulder and telling me I can’t because that is inappropriate or evil.
My biggest irritation is that my dad doesn’t clean, like at all. Dirty dishes sit in the sink for a week until I clean them. I have to wash my own laundry, but apparently some apartments don’t even have a washer and dryer? New experiences. I try to keep up, but cleaning for a whole family is…not easy. Or terribly pleasant. I’m not sure I’m doing it right. But when I bring that up, first he tells me I’m doing great. Then later, when I get mad and frustrated that the apartment is a mess, he tells me, “Then you should clean it.”
Sometimes, and eventually, I just give up. No one cares if I wear the same clothes over and over, but if I wash them I’m expected to wash other people’s clothes too, and fold them, and put them away, and clean other things. So it’s the path of least resistance to not care.
Something doesn’t quite add up, but I’m not entirely sure what. Shouldn’t seeing me eager to help encourage him to try to do better? Shouldn’t my siblings also start to naturally want a cleaner space and try to help too? Should they also be expected to have chores and clean up after themselves?
“I noticed something was wrong in middle school,” I tell the therapist. “Sometimes when we were out to dinner or at stores I felt this weird need to outright say he was my dad. ‘Hi Dad.’ or something like that. I needed to use his title a lot, to reinforce that relationship between us, and then I started thinking about how weird that is. Do normal kids have to convince their dad he’s their dad?”
“What did he make you feel like?” she asks.
“His wife.”
I remember the first time I really saw my dad drunk. It was New Years Eve, and we were still in that tiny apartment. He never moved out until a girlfriend told him us kids needed better. But more on that later.
He was going out on a date. I thought that was awesome. I could stay up as long as I wanted, watching tv. Nickelodeon was having a Nick at Night marathon and I loved a lot of those old shows. We had two tvs by that point so we didn’t even have to fight over who got to watch what.
Having separate spaces was the only real thing that kept us kids from being at each other’s throats. I wondered a lot why my siblings didn’t obey me, if I was the mom, and why they seemed outright hateful toward me at times. I wasn’t happy to be babysitting them, but there were upsides.
Later the rivalry between us would get real bad. It hurts to admit that I once tied my sister up with a jump rope when she went on a destructive binge around the house while my dad was gone. I remember an incident from before. She was throwing an unholy fit in a Kroger, I don’t even know why, but my dad dragged her out to the car, told me to stay with her and watch her. He said he was holding me responsible for her.
He did that a lot. He held me responsible for their behavior. Hell, I held me responsible for their behavior too.
My sister’s fit did not end at my father’s screaming and locking us in the car. I cried and cajoled and begged her to stop. She flailed and tried to hit me. I protected myself by putting space between us, which put her in the front seat. She raged and began kicking the windshield. My mouth opened to warn her it would break and the glass spiderwebbed under her foot. We both froze. When my father came back out he was livid. And blamed me for failing to control her.
So years later I resorted to tying her up until she calmed down and stopped trying to break things, visions of broken televisions and those huge sliding glass patio doors in our apartment in my mind. But that New Years we were getting along a lot better, probably because she was already asleep in the chair in the living room.
When someone knocked on the door and I answered it, I was surprised to find my father’s date leading my very very drunk father into the apartment. His eyes bugged out, he stank. I thought he’d gotten sick because he was so out of it. I thought I’d never seen a drunk person before. But I’ll get to that in a moment. She assured me she would take care of him. He’d just had “a little too much”. Teehee.
She locked them in my room and was gone before I woke up in the morning.
Sometime later I would remember the first actual time I’d seen him drunk, before I even knew what drinking was.
I was at the church my mom worked at, in a class with my brother and we were talking about a fundraiser we were about to do. I was seven or so. My parents were divorcing, but no one really told me why. I looked up and my dad, who I hadn’t seen in some time, stood in the doorway. I was so excited! I ran over to him with hugs. So did my brother.
He told us we were going to go with him, on an adventure. I loved when he got to see us on weekends and took us places. To get to do it on a weekday sounded awesome. We went with him. He seemed like he was in a hurry.
We came out of the door on the opposite end of the church and a police officer pulled up and blocked the way. He drew his gun. My heart pounded in my chest. What was going on?
“Step away from the children.” he said. My heart plummeted to my feet.
My dad crouched down to us, behind us. We stood between him and the gun, which I had also never seen before. Suddenly a police officer was pointing a gun…AT ME.
“You can’t believe anything your mother says,” my dad said to me. His breath stank, and his eyes were popping out of his head in this weird way. He looked sick, and wasn’t acting right.
“Step away from the children,” the officer said, more desperately this time.
I started crying. My dad shook me. “Do you understand me?” Shake shake. “You mom is lying to you. Don’t believe her.”
We both started crying and the officer advanced to the bottom of the stairs. “Daddy, please don’t do this.”
He seemed angry with me. He shook me again, then stood up. Both my brother and I were crying by then. He said something, then stepped away from us. The officer immediately pulled him from our side, and another aunt pulled us back into the building. But I remember hearing him being arrested and seeing his arms being handcuffed behind his back. I had no idea what had just happened, and no one really ever explained it to me. Those were not the kinds of things The Family talked about. Ever.
I didn’t understand until that New Years that he’d been drunk. And I didn’t understand until years after that why his date had locked us out of the room.
“Parentification,” the therapist said. I hadn’t heard it before. She explained and I realized there was a single word that explained so many situations and feelings I’d found myself with.
I wasn’t talking to my father, or most of my family by then. I didn’t know why things always went wrong when I was in contact with them. I was in therapy just trying to figure it out. I knew somehow I was happier when they had no influence in my life. That somehow being around them turned me into this version of myself that I hated. Defensive, emotional. Scared! But I dreamed of a life where I had a family, like my partner did, and where my kids had the same connection with a family I’d had growing up.
“He is an alcoholic,” I told my therapist.
“But there’s more than that?”
I nodded.
When I was thirteen he started encouraging me to drink. Things were a mess by then, because I’d stopped trying to clean or convince others to. It wasn’t just cleaning either. I’d stopped trying to convince the household to be decent people. I went back and forth between trying to convince him to be a parent, and being depressed and isolated. Our house was disgusting, physically and emotionally. The only love I found was in pets, and…I had many more than a young teen can take care of. Especially a teen dependent on a flaky, drunk father to keep the supplies I needed to take care of them. When I was in middle school I sometimes stole from his change tubs to buy candy to gorge myself on. By this point I sometimes stole handfuls to walk up to buy dog food to feed my hamsters and cheerios to feed my guinea pigs.
We’d graduated to a three bedroom apartment, but other things had gotten worse. There was rarely any food in the house. A Cousin (and actually a cousin as well) told me many years later she remembered how after we went grocery shopping my brother would invite his friends over and spend all night eating all the food, then my dad would refuse to replace it for a few weeks.
At that point he was also refusing to give me money to get lunch at school. I would come home and eat a box of mac and cheese and nothing else. My sister sometimes just sat and ate a bag of sugar.
We had bugs. And mice. The neighbors complained about us. My classmates constantly said I smelled. I didn’t care enough to bathe myself or wash my clothes. What was the point, after all?
I laughed at the idea of drinking. I saw what he did every night, how he refused to make sure we had food. How my sister wore size 3 T panties until she was 7 and they literally fell apart because he would get drunk instead of getting us clothes. I still live with permanent effects to my body from growing up like this. Drinking was his excuse. His reason why he couldn’t function like an adult.

I wasn’t going to be like him. But a year later he started doing the same with my brother. And my brother drank.
Years later, in high school, it became a weekly thing. My dad would buy a box of liquor, my brother would invite all his friends and their girlfriends over, and everyone would get drunk. “I’d rather they drink here, where I can watch them, than out there.”
But does that still seem as altruistic when you are the one furnishing all the alcohol?
“My father encouraged my brother to drink, a lot.”
“Why do you think that is?” the therapist asked.
“Two reasons. One, it enables him. He’s the cool dad. He’s excused for drinking too.”
“And the other?”
“My brother brings young teenage girls to the house and gets them drunk.”
I’m seventeen and everyone in the house is drunk again. Maybe even my sister. I’m not sure anymore. And I just keep to my room mostly to avoid them. There’s not really any food in the house, not that I enjoy being in the kitchen at all, with its piles of trash bags, some open and spilling out and the monster that is the pile of dishes that’s taken over all the counter space.
But I can’t just ignore everyone either. I check on them. No one is sick, no one is breaking stuff yet. But my dad is talking to my brother and his girlfriend in his room. He’s wasted and laughing drunkenly. And, I realize, he’s flirting with her. She has got to be horrified, I think. So I walk in, right when he’s talking about what an amazing lover he is to her. How he treats women right, because that’s what she is, he insists, she’s a woman and she deserves to be treated right.
She’s a year younger than my brother, who is two years younger than me. And this isn’t a rare occurrence.
My brother and his girlfriend make their escape. But my father continues, to me, talking about how beautiful all these women my brother keeps bringing around are. And about all the things he’d love to do to them. About how these boys don’t know how to treat them right and really satisfy them. But he does.
I feel nauseated.
“He liked us to touch him sometimes,” I tell the therapist. “It wasn’t directly sexual. He’d sit on the bed and we’d watch tv or a movie, or whatever, and he’d ask us to ‘tickle’ him. It’s pretty much just petting him, usually his legs or back. Like you might rub the back or feet of a friend or loved one. But sometimes he talks about how if he had money he’d pay a hooker or two to just ‘tickle’ him for hours. He insisted it wasn’t sexual. But now that I’m an adult I know damn well I find it sexual when someone does it to me.”
“How did he react when you stopped doing it?” she asks. “He wasn’t happy. He gave me some shit over it. But then he just had my sister start to do it instead.”
“How did it feel when she was doing it?”
“It made me even more uncomfortable. I realized it was really, really inappropriate. Especially saying the bits about hookers to my sister. Or the stuff about my brother’s female friends.”
“He said that stuff in front of your sister?”
“I mean, I don’t know if he said all of it. But some of it, yeah. And he said it all so easily in front of me and my brother and his friends. They all acted like it was funny. So why wouldn’t he say it to my sister too?”
The talking doesn’t end when I start branching out, when I start, finally, developing my own friends, and eventually start a relationship of my own. In fact my partner at that time remembers having his own conversations with my dad that disturbed him. Unlike me, who just stood awkwardly and horrified, my boyfriend then actually timed the drunken “I could be a better lover to these teenage girls” speech.
Forty five minutes before my boyfriend tells my father he’s gross and leaves. I don’t know, when I hear about it later, if I want to die of embarrassment or kiss my boyfriend for saying what I’ve always wanted to say.
“That all sounds very inappropriate. You know a sexual predator doesn’t actually have to touch someone to abuse them, right?”
I’ve read it. But no one who is a professional has ever told me that before. “Maybe,” I answer.
Grooming. It’s called grooming.
“Sexualizing children is sexual abuse.” The therapist watches my reaction.
So I tell her about the day with the porno. I’ve managed to not cry at all up to this point. But I can’t get past telling that without tears.
“One day…”
On Saturday afternoon, after a Friday night bender, my brother and a few of his friends come up to my room and ask to borrow my tv/vcr. I’m 18 and I generally avoid their shenanigans. They don’t want me there, I don’t want to be there, so it works out well. But there’s a history of them breaking into my room and stealing or ruining stuff. They’ve used my tarot cards to play strip poker. They’ve stolen my hidden candy stores.
Them asking for permission is weird. Fine, but I’m watching them like a hawk. No problem. They’re setting up an impromptu home theater. All the chairs they can find in the living room and a little table for the tv. They pop in the movie. “This is going to be hilarious,” I’m told.
There’s close to a dozen of us; my dad, my 15 year old sister, my brother, a number of his friends and their girlfriends. The porno comes on. I want to leave right then, but I’ll probably never see my tv again.
The main character–because it’s one of those plot porns–is turning 18, and she gleefully decides the best way to celebrate is by having sex with her whole family. Dad first, then her brother. Then a threesome with her dad and mom…
I am told later that I missed the best parts when I leave. I want to puke. I can’t even bring myself to care about one of my most valuable possessions at the time when it means sidelong glances at me while watching faux incest porn with an audience of family members.
Something irreparably breaks in me that day. I decide to get the hell out as soon as I can.
The therapist hands me a box of tissues. “That was hard to talk about wasn’t it?”
I nod.
“Can I say something?”
Another nod.
“I absolutely think your father was a sexual predator.”
It is a relief to hear an adultier adult than me say it outloud. I tear up again.
I’m ten. We’re in daycare and we’re doing arts and crafts. I adore this part. The woman tells us we’re going to be making Mother’s Day cards. She comes over to me, after giving instructions, and tells me she knows about my mom and I can make whatever I want instead.
I tell her I’m going to make a Mother’s Day card for my dad, because he’s my mom and my dad. After it dries I put it in my backpack and take it home. Later than night I look at it and think about it.
I’m really tired of trying to convince my dad to do the right thing.
I put it in the trash instead.