July 2

More on True Blood!


Haha! Get it?

Well, there’s lots of good news for people like me who are eagerly awaiting the premiere of True Blood, the HBO series based on the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire novels by Charlaine Harris

While HBO is still keeping sightings of the actual show footage very quiet there’s officially a viral campaign now. What I want to know is why the mysterious letter and TruBlood sample mails seem to have gone out to people who have no clue what TruBlood, True Blood or the southern Vampire series is. Ah, HBO, this I think was a mistake. Fan girls would have been… well sitting on their computer way to late at night writing blog-love letters to the series and squeeing if they’d been included in the mailings. I’ve already offered to pay one completely uninterested party for her mailings. They aren’t even up on ebay.

Anyway, there’s a new video available on io9 that’s part of the vampires’ “coming out press conference”. TruBlood (the synthetic blood that lets the vampires come out of the coffin–get it?–has a web presence as well. Available there are all kinds of digital goodies, including ads like the one above, desk top backgrounds, IM icons and more. And now you can officially keep up with everything, as long as you don’t mind the sometimes cheesy lingo at BloodCopy, the True Blood (er, the show, not the product) blog.

So now we can get really excited and start making fools of ourselves at all the slick graphics and funny in jokes. (We all remember our first “Hey I got that one!!”)

*I’m not sure if HBO really wants other people using their graphics, but this entry is just one big promo for True Blood and this is a viral marketing campaign, so I’m pretty sure my little fan girl squee here is entirely welcome.

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