Heckin’ Good Doggos Save Everything
Thursday August 3, 2023, 4pm-8pm
2-8 players, 6+ (Very Kid Friendly)
Play beloved family dogs (or street mutts with hearts of gold) looking to save their humans from terrible perils like men with hats, and stonky cat schemes to take over the world. (Or just the neighborhood, but still!)
This game will cover character creation and multiple adventure scenarios for Wet Ink Games’ Heckin’ Good Doggos. We will be focusing on mundane adventures and challenges from the core rule set.
I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game. More information on the game is here. You can purchase it here.
Never Going Home- Tears in the Sea
Friday August 4, 2023, 2pm-6pm
2-6 Players, 18+
Join the German crew of U-19 as they track down the secrets of PROJECT RIPTIDE aboard the cursed U-boat that still carries the flesh of her last crew.
This game will cover character creation and as much of the NGH Mission Folio Tears in the Sea as we can manage in the time block.
I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game. More information on the game is here. You can purchase it here.
**The Psychic Kids will launch soon on Kickstarter.**
Psychic Kids- Lost in the Woods
Saturday August 5, 2023, 6pm-10pm
2-6 Players, 13+
Last night you escaped from The Facility, and now you’re hunting down the very idea of home, all from clues found through the Facility and half remembered dreams of a five year old with precognition. But The Facility sits deep in a strange woods, miles from cities you don’t know how to function in. And you’re just a bunch of kids, with a legion of adult agents after you.
I will provide dice, character sheets, and pencils for this game.