August 28

Psychic Kids TTRPG released

Happy Monday, folks! I’m trying to get back on a regular blogging schedule (ha!)

I’ve already talked about Wet Ink Games’ Psychic Kids when the Kickstarted launched, but now it’s been released on DriverThruRPG and I’ve run a session at GenCon.

A lot of people come to the idea of kids with psychic powers and a mysterious institute that is after them from Stranger Things, or maybe X-Files. Maybe even X-Men. But I came to the concept from this series:

I was a huge fan of teeny-bopper horror growing up. Christopher Pike, Richie Tankersley Cusick, Caroline B. Cooney…but L.J. Smith was my favorite. And while Vampire Diaries has had it’s explosion in popularity it was never my favorite. (I’m not a huge fan of love triangles, and I found Elena to be…less than appealing as a lead character.) Dark Visions was another of Smith’s trilogies, the last she wrote, I believe, that centered on a young artists whose drawings showed the future and the strange, sinister Institute that gathered kids like her.

The session I ran at GenCon had a sillier feel, as the none of the characters were teens, but were rather younger children who had never really been able to be children, and were not at all intimidated or fearful of their power. I ran both my adventure and one from the book, which blended seamlessly, and we all had wild fun.

Psychic Kids would be a great tabletop game for a family or kids of all ages and could be adjusted to be more light hearted like my game ran, or a more serious and sinister (a la Stranger Things) game. It’s only $10 at DriveThruRPG and all you need to play is some six sided dice and a deck of cards.


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February 15

New Kickstarter: Psychic Kids

Wet Ink Games has launched a new Kickstarter that I’m a part of. Psychic Kids, the next Indie RPG from Wet Ink Games is NOW LIVE on Kickstarter! Use the powers of your mind to flee the agents of the Facility and find your way to the last place you felt safe.

Both my daughter and I have written for this game and we’ll be running adventures for it at GenCon this year. You can back it here.


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