December 14

Natural Storyteller

This is one of those “aw my kids are cute” posts, so skip it if you aren’t interested. (I happen to know several of my aunts and my sister read this blog, so this is primarily for them.)

My little girl is already an incredible spec fic fan. Friday she was drawing the Apex alien head logo on our holiday cards. “It’s that cut off alien head with spooky eyes” she said. Hilarious.

Today we got two bags of stuffed animals from a lady on Freecycle. Included with them were two stick horses. She already had one, Steps, who like a lot of her stuffed animals has a full history and personality. So of course she is quite pleased to have a whole stable of horses now.

She cautiously introduced Steps to the newcomers (who she named Lula and Holly. They’re both girls she tells me, and Steps is a boy.) Luckily Steps and Holly like each other. Lula is just a pony and doesn’t like Steps yet (because he’s a boy). But Lula likes Holly. So my girl is in the living room  watching them to make sure they don’t fight. She thinks they’ll all get along eventually. They just need time.

I absolutely dread the part of school when they start talking about fiction vs. fact, because to the girl these are real creatures. The stories and characters are coming from her and I really hope I can teach her that before the world tries to kill that.

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Posted December 14, 2008 by Michele Lee in category "Family", "Personal


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