December 20

Reindeer Food

You will Need:

1/4 to 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal per child (1/4 is for large households or classes, the larger amounts look





Each child gets a bowl and spoon. Scoop oatmeal into the bowl and encourage the child to mix in lots of love (because Santa and his reindeer live on love and belief as much as on cookies and oats). “Check” their progress and slip a large pinch or two of the glitter into their mix (this is their “magic” or “love”). Take the bowls outside on Christmas (or Yule) eve and spread on the grass for the reindeer.

Just like Santa takes a few bites of cookie and a drink of milk when offered, the reindeer will be happy to be included in the gifting ritual. Plus, the ritual of leaving gifts for Santa and his reindeer, paired with activities like “Let’s be Santa and pick out a present for a kiddo who isn’t as lucky as you” can ease a child from the youthful belief in Santa to an adult understanding that Santa is real, he’s the spirit of giving that’s inside us when we spend the holiday with our family and spend time thinking of them when they aren’t around (which is what gifting is about.)

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Posted December 20, 2008 by Michele Lee in category "current events", "Family", "Personal