May 12

Fiction Freebie!

After much dwelling and consideration I’ve decided to give away my novella, Private Lessons as a free serial/ebook.

Why am I doing this? Because Private Lessons is a plain old contemporary erotic romance. I wanted, still want, to someday write a whole series of books based at the riding school (no pun intended) Private Lessons is set at. But I am really trying to brand myself as a dark SF/F writer.

Essentially, this was fun to write, I think it’s a fun read, I want to write more, but I just can’t divert any more time away from the books and stories I’m trying to sell to try to establish myself as an erotic romance ebook author as well.

I’m skeptical of how much cross over there would be between my typical work, and stories like Private Lessons and at this point i have to face the facts; I just don’t have the time or energy to sustain two writing careers.

So here it is for free.

Private Lessons is an explicit erotic romance with a horse-lover flavor. I will be posting consecutive sections on Tuesdays until the whole thing is posted. Then I’ll post it as a free pdf on my website. Do not click the link to read more if you are offended, or bored, by adults in explicit sexual situations.

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May 8

Trying to resume normal functioning

I’m here. I’m okay. I have a few things to say:

1) Thank you so much to those of you who messaged, called, showed up on my doorstep or email me. I really appreciate it, and yes, I really needed it. Sometimes you just have to hear that people care. Even if those people don’t know what’s going on it helps you feel like you aren’t alone. If anyone out there is wondering if they should reach out to a friend (or coworker or relative) who is trouble or having a hard time don’t hesitate, tell them they aren’t alone. Sometimes that does more than a knight (of any color) rushing in to rescue you.

2) At this point I’m moving past my crisis and trying to deal with the major schedule change. Like how I should be in bed right now, but instead just got off the phone with someone who is one of the huge sighs in my life that I’m doing something right.

3) To those of you who worried that my hiatus was from writing, the good news is apparently that’s not allowed, seeing as during this crisis I’ve gotten a partial request from another Writers House agent, an edit and resubmit request, an invite to submit to an anthology that’s Right Up My Alley ™ and first edits on Rot. So even if I was inclined to need a break from writing it’s not allowing me to have one. Am I complaining? Hell no. I’m revelling.

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May 1

Vampires & Zombies: A Zombie Book by Rose Lee

Rose Lee is a precocious five year old who likes playing Monster Rancher almost as much as she likes her Mom. She thinks ghosts and vampires and zombies are scary, “but only a little bit”. Vampires & Zombies is her first sale. (Editor’s Note: Yes, in the spirit of publishing I paid her for it.)

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A zombie came into the room, but he was a good zombie. Then a scary bad zombie came in.

“Jackass!” he said.

The scary zombie went over to AnneMarie and started poking her in the head with a pencil.

AnneMarie got poked in the head by a pencil and a bad zombie. She screamed.

The vampire was in his blood bath and heard her scream. He jumped out of the bath and went and rescued her.

He had a real sharp pencil and poked the bad zombie into the ear, and it came out the other ear and it hurt real bad. The bad scary zombie fell to the ground and was dead. And they covered him to the death.

AnneMarie was so glad that she said, “Thank you!”

He said, ” You’re welcome.”

AnneMarie gave the vampire a hug.

Then AnneMarie went over to the vampire’s house and they took a blood bath together. They blew lots of blood bubbles. A really big one popped over them and it was like raining blood.

The End